Want to learn the most effective way to boost your revenue without having to increase client loads? Grab The ADvantage Toolkit And Create Higher Earning Opportunities Without Taking On More Clients
The ADvantage Toolkit is designed to give you everything you need to upsell existing clients into higher service packages so you can earn more revenue without working with more businesses
The probability of selling to an existing customer/client with whom you’ve established a relationship with is 60-70%
This means you’re far more likely to increase revenue simply by offering higher level skills and packages to existing clients who already love and value your work in their business
As their social media manager, you already have a firm grasp and understanding of your client’s offers, their audiences and how to market for the sale organically.
All which makes you the perfect person to support your clients with paid marketing, giving you the ADvantage over hiring someone else!
a Meta Ads Specialist & Business Growth Coach with a passion for baking, sarcasm and teaching. I started my business as a social media manager, creating organic growth strategies for clients, but I quickly saw how adding Meta ads to my services gave me a better opportunity to serve clients at a higher level of impact. Some of my client wins include:
Learning paid marketing enabled me to grow my side hustle “hobby” into a multi 6 figure business, working with several 7 & 8 figure business owners across numerous industries, all while only working with a small handful of clients at any given time.
And it’s why I’m so passionate about teaching social media managers how they can build a bigger revenue stream without working with a large number of clients - simply by learning how to run paid marketing campaigns alongside organic social media content.